Carelabz Hungary

How to Analyze

the Power Quality

in Hungary?

The ability of equipment to use the energy supplied to it is referred to as power quality. Problems with power quality lead to excessive energy use and bills, high maintenance expenses, immediate negative economic effects, lost productivity, irrecoverable downtime and resources, unstable equipment, and equipment failure. Any organization must assess its energy management, and every energy management program must include a power quality assessment. CareLabs provides a range of services to address energy-related issues. We offer top-notch research and analysis services based on our expertise in this area. 

Issues with the Quality of the Power:

A more complex and delicate metric than reliability is power supply quality. More important than supply availability are the suitability and compatibility of the electrical supply.

Variations in power quality may be divided into two groups:


Disturbances occur when there is an anomaly in the voltage or current. Transient voltages can be identified when the peak magnitude exceeds a predetermined threshold. When the RMS variation surpasses a specific threshold, RMS voltage variations, such as dips, surges, and interruptions, can be seen.

Changes in Steady-state Circumstances:

Examples of steady-state modifications include distortion of harmonic waves and RMS voltage variations. Voltage and current measurements over time are required to sample these variations. By using various analytical techniques and the average distortion level, which is 95% unlikely to be exceeded, this sampling data is most efficiently displayed as a voltage distortion amount with time.

Some of the elements influencing supplier quality are as follows:

  • Voltage stability
  • Distribution tempo
  • Power reduces voltage peaks and transient voltages
  • Harmonic modifications
  • Evaluation of radiofrequency

Most of these components are difficult to see and identify. Its evaluation typically calls for specialized testing tools, and skilled technicians or engineers must do it. 

Constant Voltage:

The steady-state voltage levels of the electrical system fluctuate often in response to load changes and other system events. Voltage levels frequently fall as load rises. Voltage levels also rise when there is no load. 

Voltage Is Not Balanced:

It alludes to a modification of the three-phase supply’s value or phase angle displacement. Impedances and unbalanced loads may potentially be a factor in this problem. It results in equipment breakdown, heat-related effects, and efficiency loss. 

Voltage Changes:

Voltage sags are brief drops in the RMS supply voltage that can last up to one minute. Voltage swells are brief, between 0.5 cycles and 1 minute, rises in the RMS supply voltage. 

Frequency of Supply:

The supply frequency is the rate of alternation of the supply voltage wave. The National Electricity Market Management Company, or NEMMCO, establishes the frequency regulations for the National Electricity Market. Frequency standards are decided by the local generating authority outside of the National Electricity Market. 

Harmonic Deformation:

This distortion of the source voltage or current waveform is periodic and continuous. Additional losses, malfunctions, radio interference, motor vibrations, and deficient performance of delicate equipment are all effects of excessive harmonics. 

CareLabs' Process for Power Quality Analysis:

  • Both the on-site assessments and the power quality study’s goals are outlined.
  • Construct a one-line diagram of the whole electrical system as your inquiry progresses.
  • A power analyzer is put at several points along the distribution end to collect data from each distinct system.
  • The line diagram should keep demonstrating the distribution system.
  • Additional analysis is done in addition to looking through and analysing the collected data.
  • Filing a report with recommended fixes

Concerns about electricity quality can be addressed by our highly skilled staff. Your power quality has reached its peak following a thorough investigation and evaluation of the system. For more details about our power quality analysis service, contact us.