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The Study of the Power System Looks at Relay Coordination, Short Circuits, and Load Flow

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To provide your facility with a safe, efficient, and reliable electrical system for use in both normal and abnormal situations, electrical system analysis consists of several technical evaluations and the application of scientific analytical ideas and techniques. The purpose of electrical system analysis is to understand system performance in various configurations and the consequences of disturbances such as capacitor ignition, large motor starting and arc flash energy. An inspection of the electrical system may also be necessary to ensure reliable operation of safety devices in the event of a short circuit or other problem. Power system studies are essential to ensure a stable and reliable power supply. In all operating conditions, a well-designed electrical system ensures reliable operation and maximizes equipment availability. Poorly constructed systems have errors, inefficiencies and weakened information security.

A typical electrical system analysis may include most or all the following sub studies:

  1. Investigation and load current analysis
  2. Short circuit investigation and analysis
  3. Relay coordination considerations
  4. Arc wave investigation and analysis
  5. Harmonic wave investigation.
  6. Analysis of dynamic and transitive factors
  7. Earth investigation

This blog covers the first three investigations. and understand the methods and tactics used to conduct each investigation.  

Load Current Analysis and Investigation:

Load Current Investigation examines the electrical network to ensure that current is flowing. It helps to find out the working condition of the power system, active and reactive power produced, losses, voltage, current and power factor.  

Load current analysis consists of the following three steps:

  • Modeling of electrical system network and components
  • Generation of load current equations
  • Load and current equations are solved by numerical methods.

There are three methods for calculating information about an electrical system:

  • One of the most commonly used analysis methods is the Gauss-Seidel system. The advantage of this approach is that it is easy to use, requires few computer resources and does the job faster. However, due to late access, more iterations are required. As the number of buses increases, the number of iterations increases.
  • The Newton-Raphson method, which is more complex, uses quadratic convergence, which is useful in complex situations. Since fewer iterations are required to reach convergence, this method uses less computing power. Because it depends less on complex factors such as transformer regulation and bus selection for slack, it is more accurate. Programming can be difficult because it uses quite a lot of machine memory.
  • The Rapid Decoupled Load Flow System is another technique for carrying out load flow analysis (FDLF (Fast Decoupled Load Flow)). The key benefit of this approach is that it consumes less computer memory. Given that the computation speed is five times faster than that of the Newton-Raphson technique, it is a well-liked replacement for real-time power grid management. Only specific circumstances allow for the use of this piece of software. As a result, it is more difficult to modify it to take into account other concerns like flow or system protection in the power business.

Analysis and Investigation of Short Circuit:

Analysis of short circuits considers one or more of the following types of short circuits:

  • Lack caused by the simultaneous blackout of two phases.
  • In the event of a single line and ground fault, only one phase touches the ground.
  • Double line-to-ground fault with ground and both phases shorted simultaneously
  • All three phases shorted three-phase fault.

Drawing a one-line diagram of an electrical distribution system is easier when the type of problem is known. Use the generated one-line diagram and impedance diagram to calculate the short circuits, which include the numerical values ​​of the power supply, transformer and driver against the operating voltage of each component. Short circuit current, transformer factor and full load amperes are all included in the ratings. For the electrical distribution system to be equipped with the necessary safety measures in various places to avoid danger and failure, it is important to compare the collected data with the equipment values.  

Relay Coordination Analysis  

Because coordination systems provide fast, reliable, and selective transfer functions for problem isolation, relay coordination is an integral part of a powerful system protection architecture. With the help of coordination analysis, it is determined to what extent redundant protection devices are needed in the electrical system. It also helps to decide on the right specifications, layouts, and measurements to achieve a balance between equipment safety and limited system operation.  

Powerful system software such as ETAP (Electrical Transient Analysis Program) is used to perform data collection operations to simulate the system. After the short-circuit analysis is complete, the fault currents of each electrical point are measured. The impact of system equipment failures can be reduced by selecting and calibrating protective equipment. The regions of the coordination fault can be found by comparing the time-current characteristic curves of the protective device. Adjustments are made as needed to ensure reliable and selective operation of protective devices.  

Some Advantages of Power System Analysis Are:

  • The power grid is now more reliable.
  • Using the correct power unit.
  • Improving safety and reducing electrical hazards
  • Compliance with legal requirements and electrical installations.
  • Alternative methods are recommended to increase the longevity and performance of the system.
  • The current state of the electrical system is saved for future inspection.

CareLabs provides load current research and analysis, short circuit research and analysis to monitor the voltage of different buses and the real and reactive power flow between the buses, analyze the system under different fault conditions and determine the system tolerance. to minor and major disturbances. research and analysis and mediation coordination analysis. Contact us or request a quote for an analysis of your company’s electrical infrastructure in Malaysia. Within 24 hours, a member of our customer support team will answer. 

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