Optimize Protection With Expert Relay Coordination

Protect your power system from cascading faults by evaluating protective device coordination. Minimize the impact of faults in the system with Care Labs’ comprehensive relay coordination study in Australia.

Relay Coordination

Ensure Operational Continuity with Optimized Relay Coordination

A relay coordination study analyzes protective relays’ settings and operative conditions. By partnering with Care Labs, you can ensure system reliability with enhanced safety and reduced outages.

Insightful Relay Coordination Study Reports

Detailed Relay Coordination Study With ETAP

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Extensive Support in Protection Relay Coordination

From analysis to report generation and implementing solutions, Care Labs relay coordination study does it all. We guarantee to bring safety, reliability, and efficiency to your electrical assets.

Technical and Compliance Support

Implementation, and Operational Support

Let us assist you in perfecting your power system in Australia.


Key Components Subject to Relay Coordination Study

In Australia, a relay coordination study generally involves analyzing and setting all protective devices that could trip parts of the system in the event of a fault or abnormal condition. The nature of equipment, however, depends on the industry.

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Software Suite- ETAP Relay Coordination Study

ETAP streamlines relay coordination studies by automatically plotting time-current curves, analyzing thousands of fault scenarios, and verifying selective coordination between protective devices through its comprehensive protection and coordination module.

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Industries served

Australian Industries That Need Protection Studies

Relay coordination studies are generally needed wherever electrical systems must ensure selective and reliable protection against faults. Care Labs clients are from:

Manufacturing Industries

Heavy Manufacturing

Data Centers

Healthcare Facilities

Mining and Resources

Government Campuses

To receive a free quote, please provide details about your industry.


Questions & Answers

Find answers to all your questions in our comprehensive FAQ section. From detailed explanations about our services to insights into industry standards and compliance, we’ve got you covered. At Care Labs, we’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to make confident decisions.

What is the purpose of a relay coordination study, and why is it important for our facility?

A relay coordination study helps isolate faults by ensuring proper coordination among the protective relays. This is imperative to maintain operational continuity and avoid the dangers of arc flash hazards.

What are the Australian standards and regulations applicable to relay coordination?

AS 2067, AS/NZS 3000, and IEC 60255 are some of the standards followed for relay coordination study in Australia.

How long does it take to complete a relay coordination study for our facility?

Typically, a relay coordination study in Australia depends on the size and complexity of your facility. For free quotes, contact our team.

Do I need a relay coordination study if I want to upgrade the system?

Yes, relay coordination studies are needed when you upgrade or enhance your system to maintain safety and compliance with standards.

What tools and software do you use for the relay coordination study?

ETAP is the main tool that Care Labs uses for relay coordination study in Australia. You get a comprehensive report of allotted relay settings and coordination details with ETAP.