Power System and Analysis in the Canada

Power systems are used to deliver electrical energy to loads to perform its function. These loads vary from household appliances to industrial machinery. Most electrical loads expect to operate at certain voltage level, and for alternating current devices at a certain frequency and phase sequence.  

Power system analysis is the solution of power flow problems in a power system. Calculations and simulations are performed to ensure that the power system is working as intended and is protected against failures.   

Care labs provide several professional services like electrical safety inspections, electrical system design simulations, power quality analysis, power systems study, and analysis for all types of facilities in Canada. We provide companies in Canada with comprehensive power system study and analysis services.

Care Labs use ETAP (Electrical Transient Analysis Software) to perform study and analysis and deliver assured results in compliance with international standards and regulations.  

Power outages and power system failures are common in Canada due to thunderstorms, ice storms, and high winds. The city of Ontario faced a 2 hours-4 days blackout back in 2003 which marked the longest known power blackout.  

Reported power failures in regions of Canada:

The main objective of power system study and analysis is to make sure that the system equipment works together so that the required power can be delivered to the load centers at the prescribed voltage and frequency. It ensures no component is overloaded and no-fault conditions endanger the system.  

So, the ultimate goal of this analysis study is to have a safe, efficient, and reliable electrical power system both under normal and emergency conditions. 


Objectives of Power System Study and Analysis:

  • To create a model to perform power system component phase analysis  
  • To monitor voltage & current on different buses, real and reactive power flow between buses  
  • To plan for the future expansion of the present system  
  • To analyze the system under various fault conditions   
  • To design protection devices  
  • To investigate the system’s ability to handle minor and major interruptions  

Need for Power System Study and Analysis in Canada:

Electrical facilities of all sizes from small industrial to large industrial or commercial facilities rely on stable, reliable, and well-maintained power systems.  

Even minor electrical disruptions may cause long and costly downtime, damage to critical components in the event of a power outage and, increase the cost of locating and repairing faulty electrical equipment.  

There is a high chance of the occurrence of disturbances in power systems. So to increase the facility reliability and to protect the equipment, electric power system study and analysis must be done 

Benefits of Power System Study and Analysis:

  • Ensure robust performance and maximizes plant availability in all operating conditions  
  • Can solve operation problems, electromagnetic incompatibility, and equipment breakdown  
  • Can overcome effects of the poorly designed system, power outages and, excessive arc flash  
  • Ensures operational reliability on both producer and consumer side  
  • Ensures more efficient use of resources  
  • Identification and elimination of safety hazards  
  • Creating positive working environment with safety improvement

Scope of Power System Analysis:

  1. Load flow analysis-load flow analysis solves the steady operation state with node voltages and branch power flow in the power system based on the specified generating state and transmission network structure.  
  2. Short circuit and fault analysis- a short circuit is the flow of current in an unintended path of lower resistance. This analysis used to determine the behavior of a power system under fault conditions.   
  3. Relay coordination study and analysis-relay coordination provides reliable, fast, and guaranteed operation to isolate the power system faulty section  
  4. Arc flash study helps in understanding the risk of injury when exposed to an arc flash event and provides appropriate recommendations for arc flash hazard protection.  
  5. Harmonic analysis-mathematical method of predicting potential resonances and harmonic distortion levels depending on the available power system data.  
  6. Dynamic and transient analysis-study about dynamic phenomena and transient part of fault current  
  7. Earthing study

Power System Analysis Process:

  • Collection of data
  • Power System Modelling using ETAP
  • load flow analysis
  • Short Circuit Study
  • Stability Study
  • Document review
  • Management Briefing
  • Draft Report Submission
  • Final Report Submission

On successful completion of the studies, the final report will be provided which include

  • Introduction
  • Executive Summary
  • Single Line Diagram
  • Observations and Recommendations
  • Report

We offer power system study and analysis in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, and all the major states in Canada.

Contact us right away to arrange a power system study and analysis or to get a quote!

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