Analyse and Evaluate the Performance of Electric Motors as per Irish Regulations


Industrial electric motors are used to power a wide range of applications on a global scale. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the global energy consumption by the automotive industry is up to 70% of all industrial energy, 35% of energy used in the commercial and service sectors, and 45% of all electricity generated. Electric motors are crucial to a number of industrial activities since each hour of downtime brought on by a motor failure costs thousands of dollars.  

They are the main cause of power plants’ emissions of greenhouse gases and their damaging effects on the environment. Additionally, they are mostly to blame for the substantial rise in electricity consumption in emerging countries. Globally, there is economic potential to increase industrial motors’ energy efficiency by 20% to 30%, with typical payback times of under three years. Electric motors manage around 15%, or 4.3 billion tons, of the world’s yearly CO2 emissions, which total 26 billion tons. One of the most affordable and low-risk ways to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and stop the rise in energy use is to boost energy efficiency.  

Make use of a functional motor because:

  • Decreased operating costs.
  • A longer, cooler, and calmer distance.
  • Higher performing, more enduring motors
  • Reduced atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases.

Starting a Motor Start 

Electric motors typically don’t turn 100% of the power they receive into mechanical energy. Some energy is lost as a result of windage, losses in the stator, rotor, and magnetic core, as well as friction. The motor’s performance is diminishing as a result of these losses. It is obvious why and how important it is to examine energy efficiency and create minimal energy performance requirements when you consider how much energy is spent and how electric motors are used in industry.  

The testing technique used affects how accurately efficiency and motor loss are evaluated. There isn’t a single testing method used by all global enterprises. Although the idea is straightforward, it could be challenging to measure and certify a motor’s energy efficiency using various standards.  

Effectiveness assessment methods that are widely used:

The following testing techniques are widely addressed in industrial contexts: For testing multiphase motors and generators, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 112-2004 standard is commonly used. Test, “Methods for Calculating Efficiency and Losses in Rotating Electrical Machines”, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Publication 60034-2-1, 2014. JEC 37 was developed by the Japanese Electrotechnical Committee as the standard for induction devices. ANSI/IEEE 112-2004 ANSI/IEEE 112-2004

This method of evaluating energy consumption efficiency uses ten measurements. To decide which is most important:

  • Simple input-output testing
  • Testing with loss-separated input and output.
  • evaluating two linked gadgets back-to-back.
  • The smoothed residual losses are used to compute the load losses.
  • The “Eh-star” approach

IEC standard testing comes in three different forms:

  • Figuring out a machine’s input and output power.
  • Monitoring the flow of power between two devices connected in series.
  • A single machine’s losses were totaled.

The extra load losses have no impact on the test processes according to Japanese JEC standard 37. By lowering the energy use of their equipment and appliances, businesses may both save money and help the environment. One of the several important economic and environmental advantages is this. We supply motor start analysis services in all of the main cities, including Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Waterford.