Importance of Electrical Safety Audit for Companies in the US

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Electricity the most necessary part of our lives also comes with great risks. Which can put lives and properties in danger? These electrical risks and hazards occur in the form of electrical fires explosions, shocks, short circuits, failures.

So, it is important to control and manage electrical hazards effectively and efficiently. Especially in the case of industries, where these hazards will have a huge impact and may incur bigger losses.

Care Labs is a competent provider of electrical installation study, analysis, testing, inspection, and certification services.

It is difficult to identify whether a conductor has been supplied or not without an electrical tester or other devices. This harmless appearance may misguide us and this is the major cause for electrical accidents.

Safety precautions should strictly follow as per the prescribed rules while doing the inspection, testing, installation, etc. Otherwise, the possibility of electric shock or hazards could happen.

The electrical hazards will be analyzed and assessed in general safety audits but a comprehensive electrical safety audit can provide a complete review of the electrical system. This will help to identify the potential electrical hazards, faults, maintenance in the system,

The safety of an electrical installation should be ensured with proper insulation, a good earthing system, and adopting adequate protection and control systems.

Why Electrical Safety Audit (ESA) is Necessary?

The data from international organizations like National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) indicate that nearly one-fourth of all fires are caused by electrical appliances or installations.

The report says that around 8% of all fatalities are due to accidents caused by electricity. It also states that nearly 40% of the fires are initiated by electrical causes like short circuit issues, overloading problems loose electrical connections, etc.

An electrical safety audit is a systematic method to evaluate potential hazards. It is done by inquiry, inspection, testing, and verification. It is performed by experienced professionals who assist clients in reducing risk and help to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.

It is a very effective process for identifying the risky areas, hazards, and accidents in plants, for determining actions to minimize hazards as soon as possible.

Benefits of Electrical Safety Audit

  • Ensuring the longevity of huge electrical equipment
  • Lightning Protection
  • Earthing Systems
  • Compliance with regulations and statutory requirements
  • Increased levels of safety
  • Cable Size Adequacy
  • More efficient use of resources
  • Identification and elimination of safety hazards
  • Improvement of employee morale
  • Improvement of a dynamic record of safety performance

3 Phases of Electrical Safety Audit Service:

  • Pre Audit
  • Audit
  • Post Audit


  • Each safety audit, assurance, assessment, or verification process is predicated on documented.
  • Safety audit procedure that incorporates objectives, scope, and criteria.
  • The assessment scope includes such factors as physical locations, organizational units, activities and processes to be audited, also because of the period covered by the audit.
  • The assessment criteria are used as a reference against which conformity is decided and should include applicable policies, procedures, standards, legal requirements, management system requirements, contractual requirements, sector codes of conduct, or other planned arrangements.


  • Opening meeting with the management:
  • The onsite audit process starts with a gap meeting with the management and therefore the key operational personnel, where the auditor explains the electrical safety audit methodology and reporting process.

Audit activities:

    • Physical look for basic assessment including task observation
    • Document review
    • Sample selection & interviewing
    • Collecting evidence for both compliance & non-compliance

Before finalizing the electrical safety audit report, the audit team should do a presentation/discussion as feedback to the operating methods /management in personnel of the area/installation.

This provides inputs to the draft report that supported the discussions and comments received during the presentation.

Post Audit

The report content generally includes:

  • Executive the summary including graphical performance indicators
  • Overall rating/scoring (applicable for protocol assessment)
  • Identification of documents against which the audit was conducted (safety system standard, auditee’s safety manual, etc.)
  • Evaluation against established safety standards
  • Audit team’s judgment of the extent of the auditee’s compliance with the applicable system standard
  • Recommendations for improvement, action plans
  • Picture gallery identifying areas of safety improvement

Care Labs offer our services in California, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Washington, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, New Mexico, Virginia, and all the major states and cities in the United States of America.

Contact us today for an electrical safety audit of your company.

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