What is it?
Power quality analysis checks the power supply for safety and efficiency.
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Electrical Standards

CareLabs analyses the quality of power for Taiwan businesses. Our goal is to protect your electrical installations, electrical equipment, and appliances from problems resulting from power supply variations. Many businesses and more individual customers utilize data collection, monitoring, and instrumentation equipment susceptible to power supply fluctuations. Extraordinarily little electrical equipment is constructed to withstand the voltage fluctuation spectrum that is a common characteristic of distributed electricity. CareLabs will help you with power quality issues associated with equipment installation, control, protection, and power conditioning.
Power quality analysis objective:
- The assessment of disparities between the electrical system and the load.
- Evaluating the work environment to improve power quality simulation methodologies.

- Anticipating the efficacy and performance of load equipment
- Enhance the power factor and reliability of the equipment.
- Avoid excessive energy consumption.
- To avoid failures and disruptions.
- Reducing power quality anomalies such harmonics, spikes, and transients.
- Assist in preventing voltage/frequency spikes and PLC lockups.
- To prevent, among other things, capacitor explosions, transformer overheating, and annoyance tripping.
- Significantly lower utility costs
- Enhance the electrical network’s and its components’ longevity.
- Evaluate electrical equipment’s resilience to variations.

Power Quality Analysis Is Required in Taiwan:
All electrical networks are susceptible to supply interruptions, which occur more often when storms, natural disasters, or accidents damage power wires. Variations in the power supply are very normal. There are three sorts of variations, disturbances, and distortions in the qualities of the electricity transmitted by a network.
1. When a frequency exceeds its typical frequency range, it deviates from that range.
2. Voltage disruptions occur when the voltage form is maintained but the voltage amplitude exceeds the normal range.
2.1 Voltage drops (dips) and voltage spikes lasting up to one minute are examples of short-lasting variations.
2.2 Long duration voltage fluctuations include both under voltages and over voltages that continue longer than one minute.

2.3 Unbalanced voltage – occurs when the load is distributed unevenly across the phases, causing significant heating of equipment.
2.4 Voltage differences between neutral and ground
3.Disturbances caused by voltage distortion, which occurs when the shape of the voltage is not uniform or sinusoidal.
3.1 Device heating, increased losses, inefficient power consumption, and resonance are all caused by harmonics and inter harmonics problems.
3.2 Transients lasting less than a tenth of a second can cause damage to switch contact surfaces, system inefficiency, and premature failure of motor drives and control.

What is Included in a Power Quality Analysis?
Identifying diverse power quality disturbances requires a variety of techniques, including the following:
- Harmonic Analysis: This technique uses computer algorithms to identify and forecast likely harmonic problems and reduce techniques.
- This examination will identify surges and transients.
- This investigation would examine the voltage’s short-term reduction and increase, as well as its value and trajectory.
- Assessment of Reactive Force This study will identify the preferred reactive power at the distribution and load ends.
- Analysis of Captive Electricity: This research would quantify and synchronize captive electricity to meet demand while reducing energy surcharges and fuel use.
- Load Flow Analysis: This analysis predicts the magnitudes of power flow, power factor, voltage levels, and losses in system branches based on the operating parameters supplied.
For the benefit of all of its clients, CareLabs is devoted to providing the finest quality service to improve the quality and dependability of your electrical installation. In all major cities, including Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan, we provide power quality assessments. Contact us immediately to assess the quality of your power or to receive a quote!