How to Perform a Study of Power Quality in Thailand? - Carelabs Thailand

How to Perform a Study of Power Quality in Thailand?

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A piece of equipment’s energy efficiency is its power quality. Power quality difficulties lead to excessive energy consumption and bills, expensive maintenance costs, direct effects on the economy, decreased productivity, unrecoverable downtime, and resources, and unstable or malfunctioning equipment. All firms must address energy management, and any energy management program must take into account power quality. Care Labs offers several services that solve several energy-related concerns. We offer services for analysing and researching the quality of power, based on our industry expertise. 

Quality Issues with the Electricity:

The quality of the power supply is a more complex and nuanced indicator than its reliability. It is immaterial if there is adequate supply. Instead, the question is whether the supply is used. Alterations in power quality fall into two categories: 


Improper voltage or current may cause disturbances. When a transient voltage’s peak value surpasses a specific threshold, it is noticeable. Voltage fluctuations such as sags, swells, and interruptions are recognized when the RMS variation exceeds a predetermined threshold. 

Variations with respect to the steady-state: 

Variations in the steady-state include fluctuations in the RMS voltage and distortion of harmonic waves. Voltage and current must be monitored throughout time to keep track of these modifications. The most appropriate representation of this sampling data is the voltage distortion with time. The data may then be examined using approaches such as the average distortion level, which has a 95% chance of not being exceeded, etc. 

Among the variables affecting supply quality are: 

  • Voltage stability 
  • How often it is accessible 
  • Voltage drops 
  • Voltage surges 
  • Harmonic variations in momentary voltages 
  • Estimated radio frequency 

Most of these things are difficult to locate and see. Often, specific testing equipment is required to measure them, and only skilled technicians or engineers should conduct the tests. 

Voltage Constant:

The steady-state voltage levels of an electrical system are continuously changing due to load and other system events. In general, as load increases, voltage levels fall. Likewise, reducing a load increases the voltage. 

Discordant Voltage:

It is a variance in the phase angle or value of the three-phase supply. It can also be caused by unbalanced circuit impedances and unbalanced loads. Heat warms things, damages equipment, and diminishes their efficacy. 

Changes in Voltage:

Voltage sags are transient, RMS supply voltage dips lasting between 0.5 cycles and one minute. Voltage swells are transient RMS supply voltage rises that surpass a threshold limit of 0.5 cycles to one minute. 

Delivery Frequency:

The frequency of the supply is the pace at which the supply voltage’s waves fluctuate. The National Electricity Market is managed by NEMMCO (National Electricity Market Management Company). NEMMCO is an acronym for National Electricity Market Management Corporation. Outside of the National Electricity Market, the local generating authority determines the frequency standards. 

Changes in the Harmonics:

It is a change in the pattern of the provided voltage or current that occurs repeatedly. Excessive harmonics can lead to increased losses, flickering lights, malfunctions, radio interference, motor vibrations, and inefficient sensitive equipment. 

Care Labs’ approach for analysing power quality is as follows: 

  • The goals of both the power quality survey and the on-site evaluation are outlined. 
  • As your inquiry continues, construct a simplified diagram of the whole electrical system. 
  • A power analyzer is attached at numerous distribution terminals to collect data from each unique system. 
  • Maintaining the distribution system as illustrated by the line diagram. 
  • Studying and analysing the collected data, in addition to conducting additional analysis,  
  • Producing reports and recommending solutions. 

Our team of highly experienced professionals can assist you in detecting and fixing power quality problems. Your power quality will be at its greatest if you inspect and investigate your system completely. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our power quality analysis service. 

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