What is it?
Power quality analysis checks the power supply for safety and efficiency.
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Electrical Standards

In addition to thorough harmonic research and analysis, CareLabs’ electrical installation services also include safety inspections, testing, calibration, and certification. To make sure that your electrical safety program is current, compliant, and thorough, trained professionals will evaluate harmonic threats, training programs, documentation, and personal protective equipment (PPE). CareLabs can identify harmonics early on and take the required steps to lessen their impact, ensuring the equipment’s safety. Inefficiency in the electrical system may be caused by harmonic voltages and currents. They can lower the quality of the power and produce extraneous heat. A mathematical method for determining potential resonances and levels of harmonic distortion is called harmonic voltage analysis. Based on gathered data, harmonic voltage analysis is a mathematical method for identifying potential resonances and harmonic distortion levels. Harmonic frequencies are added to the electrical system by nonlinear electrical switching equipment such AC variable frequency drives, DC drives, fluorescent lights, computers, and so on. When harmonic voltage/current levels are high, a lot of equipment can fail. As a result, harmonic analysis and study must be done as soon as possible. Currently, there are 5% harmonic limits in 415 voltage systems, with 4% odd harmonics and 2% even harmonics.

Effects of Harmonic Distortion:
- Charged with controlling high voltage and flowing current.
- Excessive voltage distortion damages and destroys electronics.
- Component degradation and a shorter lifespan are caused by the buildup of internal energy in components.
- A problem causes the branch circuit breaker to trip.
- Measurements of error
- Explosions and flames inside the wiring and distribution system
- Generator failures cause power outages
- An erosion of the system power factor
- The cost of installation and utilities is prohibitive.
- Productivity has decreased
- Pauses and pointless journeys
- Use of more powerful engines

Harmonic problems are incredibly rare, but when they do happen, they significantly affect the reliability, power quality, and efficiency of the power system. Thus, harmonic research and analysis are crucial.
- It offers defense against harmonics in voltage and current.
- Frequency variation is limited
- Inconsistent current and voltage
- Enhance power factor analysis and keep the value close to one.
- Variations in voltage are managed.
By shedding light on the causes and implications of power quality problems, harmonic research and analysis can help designers avoid harmonic-related challenges and lessen the chance of unexpected outcomes.

Workflow for Harmonic Analysis and Research at CareLabs:
- Highlight accessible nonlinear loads, capacitor banks, and long medium voltage cables on the electrical one-line diagram.
- Find the points of connection that are similar (PCC (Point of Common Coupling))
- Identify the facility’s system buses that are prone to harmonic distortions.
- For all nonlinear loads, gather harmonics information.
- Obtain crucial data on the maximum and least levels of short circuit faults. This data is also important for understanding voltage and current harmonics.
- The electrical network is subjected to harmonic analysis using ETAP (Electrical Transient Analysis Program).
- Calculate the bus and PCC voltage and current wave distortion values, both collectively and individually.
- Make a graph that depicts the harmonic frequency spectrum.
- If harmonic distortion levels go over the permitted limits, a suitable mitigation strategy is developed and put into action.
- After putting in the mitigation strategy, run the analysis once again.

CareLabs Service Benefits:
The Stage 2 values are higher if background harmonics have already been detected.
- If the backdrop is less than 25%, Stage 2 allows altering the converter size based on fault level and converter type.
- Converter ratings of half the amount mentioned above are allowed if the backdrop is between 25% and 75%.
- A comprehensive harmonic analysis is done for the top background.
To ensure that our specialists are accessible for routine or urgent circumstances, CareLabs has staff members stationed in numerous locations. With a sizable customer that has given outstanding feedback, CareLabs has quickly established itself as an organization that has received ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. To name a few prominent Korean towns, we provide harmonic research and analysis services in Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Daegu and Gwangju. To arrange for harmonic research and analysis in Korea or to get an estimate, contact us right now!