What is it?
Power quality analysis checks the power supply for safety and efficiency.
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Electrical Standards

CareLabs provides a range of electrical installation services, including safety inspection, testing, calibration, and certification, in addition to comprehensive investigation and analysis of harmonics. Your electrical safety program will be reviewed by trained personnel to ensure that it is current, compliant, and comprehensive. In addition, these experts will evaluate harmonic threats, training materials, paperwork, and personal protection equipment (PPE). To ensure the equipment is running safely, CareLabs can detect harmonic distortions early on and take the necessary measures to mitigate their effect. Harmonic voltages and currents could degrade the performance of an electrical system. They may degrade the quality of the power and are inefficient heaters. Harmonic voltage analysis is a mathematical approach for predicting resonances and degrees of harmonic distortion.
Harmonic voltage analysis is a mathematical technique that evaluates data to anticipate potential resonances and harmonic distortion levels. Harmonic frequencies are introduced into the electrical system by nonlinear switching equipment, such as AC variable frequency drives, DC drives, fluorescent lights, and computers, among others. When harmonic voltage and current levels are high, equipment failure is likely. Therefore, it is essential to study and analyze harmonics when appropriate. The current harmonic limit for 415-volt systems is 5%, with 4% odd harmonics and 2% even harmonics.

Harmonic Distortion Effects:
- It is responsible for current flow and high voltage.
- Severe voltage distortion causes equipment failure and destruction
- A rise in the quantity of internal energy in components results in higher fragility and a shorter life duration.
- Errors in measurement cause branch circuit breakers to trip.
- Systems of wiring and distribution exploding and burning
- Generator failure
- Fall in system power factor
- The installation and utility costs are expensive.
- Reduction in efficiency
- Driving aimlessly and taking unnecessary breaks are not required.
- Larger engines are employed

Harmonic issues are uncommon, but when they do occur, they tend to reduce the power system’s dependability, efficiency, and quality. Therefore, harmony must be explored and evaluated.
- Protection against voltage and current harmonics
- Frequency fluctuations restrict out-of-phase voltage and current.
- Improve power factor analysis and maintain a value close to 1.
- Regulates voltage peaks and troughs
With the assistance of harmonic investigation and analysis, it will be simpler to determine what may or may not be creating power quality issues. This will aid in preventing harmonics-related design issues and reduce the likelihood of undesirable outcomes.

Harmonic Study and Analysis Workflow at CareLabs:
- On the single-line schematic of an electrical circuit, call attention to the long medium-voltage cables, large capacitor banks, and nonlinear loads.
- Identify the connection (PCC)
- Determine which system buses in the facility are susceptible to harmonic distortions.
- Collect harmonic information for all nonlinear loads.
- Obtain vital information on the maximum and minimum short circuit fault levels, as well as the harmonic levels.
- ETAP is used to analyze the electrical network for harmonics.
- Determine the overall and individual voltage and current wave distortion values of the bus and PCC.
- Create the frequency spectrum of the harmonics.
- If harmonic distortion levels are above the acceptable threshold, a remedy is proposed and implemented.
- Rerun the analysis once the countermeasure has been implemented.

Advantages of CareLabs's offerings:
If background harmonics have previously been measured, higher ratings are applied in the second stage.
- If the background is less than 25%, the size of the converter may change in stage 2 based on the fault level and kind of converter.
- If the backdrop is between 25 and 75 percent, the converter ratings may be 50 percent lower.
- A thorough harmonic analysis is performed on the top backdrop.
CareLabs employs crew members in a variety of locations to ensure that the workforce is accessible for both routine tasks and urgent situations. CareLabs immediately obtained ISO 9001:2008 accreditation and created a clientele with a positive reputation and high ratings. We conduct research and analysis in some of Hong Kong’s most prominent cities, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, and Lantau Island Contact us immediately to organize your harmonic analysis and study in Hong Kong or to receive a quotation.