How to Audit Electric Motor Performance for Commercial Use?

How to audit electric motor efficiency and reliability for commercial use

“Why it is necessary to book an electrical motor efficiency audit?”, Well because still for many organizations, energy generation is the biggest problem, whereas some are still trying a way to out through this high production energy cost. We can improve motor efficiency by auditing it and save a lot of energy.

Without motor efficiency audit, you rarely know anything about the motor efficiency, ‘why it is important?’, ‘how can we improve their efficiency?’, a lot of question which arises in our mind, ‘how this can help in saving money too?’. Motor efficiency can be determined and increased after auditing.

Increasing Energy Efficiency is still the cheapest, fastest and cleanest way to get reliable power. As per the recent survey conducted by U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),  only four products consume half of the world electricity, that are: electric motor systems, room lightening equipment, refrigeration system, and room air conditioning equipment.

Care Labs performs an efficiency audit of your electric motor and recommends a list of improvements. A periodic motor start analysis can ensure that the business doesn’t face downtime due to the failure of the motor. You can contact us to get a motor start analysis of your electric motor today!

Why you should perform motor start analysis?

  • Organizations waste a lot of money on energy, due to poor designs and improperly maintained systems or equipment.
  • Non-Maintenance of electric motor can reduce productivity of entire plant, retail, office or any commercial place.
  • Nonperforming proper auditing may also lead you to a hazard or electrocution
  • Motor usually has a long lifetime,however they still needed some maintenance on a periodic basis. Failing to do maintenance of motor may lead you to sudden shut down of the whole system.
  • IEA estimated that more than 50% of global electricity or 10,700 TWh per year are consumed by the electric motor system, and giving our nature a big trauma with leaving 6,960 mt of Carbon dioxide (Co2).

Many applications which are running through electrical motors in commercial organizations and in a grand mall, hospitals, etc…

  • AIHUs Air handling units in hospitals, large complex, even in factories and warehouse they all somehow needed this motor equipped equipment. We can give them a better today by giving them a safe and economical product.
  • Even the fan we used for production area can also need an inspection, for getting better efficiency.
  • In commercial we can save energy efficiently, then it would be possible to realize huge savings in both energy and carbon-di-oxide emission.
  • A high electricity bill may be an indication that electrical motors are not functioning well and require inspection and maintenance.
  • The audit also helps the motor and whole electrical system more reliable.
  • Avoiding auditing can cause a very big danger or lead us to potential danger.

Care Labs is an authorized provider of electrical motor start analysis in the US. The services provided by our technicians are of global standards and specifically follow NFPA and OSHA guidelines.

Remember that, a life of an individual’s matter, need help for audit of electrical motor, contact us today by just booking an appointment.

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