How to Perform a Power Quality Analysis in Chile?
Power quality is the capacity of equipment to utilize the energy supplied to it.

Power quality issues result in excessive energy consumption and expenses, high maintenance costs, direct economic consequences, output loss, unrecoverable downtime and resources, unstable equipment, and equipment failure. Any organization must evaluate energy management, and any energy management program must include an evaluation of power quality. CareLabs offers a variety of services to address various energy-related concerns. On the basis of our expertise in this field, we offer superior research and analysis services.
Problems with electricity quality:
The quality of power supply is a more complex and subtle indicator than reliability. Electrical supply suitability and compatibility are more important than supply availability.
Power quality variations can be divided into two categories:
When there is an anomaly in the voltage or current, disturbances occur. To identify transient voltages, the peak magnitude must exceed a predetermined threshold. RMS voltage variations, such as sags, surges, and interruptions, can be identified when the RMS variation exceeds a predetermined threshold.
Variations in steady-state conditions:
RMS voltage fluctuations and distortion of harmonic waves are examples of steady-state variations. To sample these variations, voltage and current measurements over time are required. This sampled data is examined using the average distortion level, which is 95% unlikely to be exceeded, as well as other methodologies. This sampled data is displayed most effectively as a voltage distortion amount over time.
These are some of the factors affecting supplier quality:
- Voltage Constancy
- Distribution Frequency
- Power Drops
- Spikes in Voltage
- Transient Voltages
- Harmonic Modifications
- Assessment of Radiofrequency
Most of these components are challenging to identify and observe. Its inspection frequently requires specialized testing equipment, and it must be performed by trained technicians or engineers.

Constant Voltage:
In response to load changes and other system events, the steady-state voltage levels of the electrical system fluctuate frequently. Voltage levels typically decrease as demand increases. In the absence of a burden, voltage levels also increase.
Unbalanced Voltage:
It refers to a change in the phase angle displacement or the value of the three-phase supply. Unbalanced loads and circuit impedances may also contribute to this phenomenon. It causes equipment failure, thermal effects, and loss of efficiency.
Voltage Variations:
Voltage sags are transient, up to one-minute-long dips in the RMS supply voltage. Voltage surges are transient increases in the RMS supply voltage that occur between 0.5 cycles and 1 minute.
Supply Frequency:
The frequency at which the supply voltage wave alternates is the supply frequency. The National Electricity Market Management Company, also known as NEMMCO, establishes the National Electricity Market’s frequency standards. Outside of the National Electricity Market, the local generating authority determines frequency standards.

Harmonics Deformation:
Periodic and constant is this distortion of the source voltage or current waveform. Excessive harmonics can lead to additional losses, flickering lights, malfunctions, radio interference, motor vibrations, and inadequate performance of sensitive equipment.
The CareLabs Power Quality Analysis Process:
- The objective of both the on-site evaluation and the power quality survey is specified.
- As your investigation continues, construct a one-line diagram of the entire electrical system.
- At multiple sites along the distribution end, a power analyzer is attached to capture data from each individual system.
- Continue illustrating the distribution system in the line diagram. In addition to reviewing and analyzing the collected data, additional analysis is performed.
- Providing a report and suggested solutions
Our team of highly trained professionals can provide assistance with power quality issues. Your power quality is at its highest level after a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the system. Contact us for more information about our power quality analysis service.